photo, video, videoinstallation

original music and sing by Sabina Caruso

2011 54 VENICE BIENNIAL ITALIAN PAVILLION/ACADEMY, Tese di San Cristoforo, Arsenale, Venezia (I) curator Vittorio Sgarbi

2011 2video CROSS REVIEW OF VIDEO ARTIST Undo.net, Delocalization selected by Giovanni Viceconte http://www.undo.net/it/duevideo/1304945054

2011 Vplatform #2 f les under culture Church of Saint Nicola and Erasmo, Modica (RG) curator di Francesco Lucifora

2010 VIDEO.IT – VIDEOmed “MEDITERRANEAN NORTH – SOUTH: MAPPING HOSPITALITY” Fondazione Merz, Turin and Care of, Fabbrica del Vapore, Milan (I) curators Francesco Poli, Francesco Bernardelli, Mario Gorni, Cristiana Perrella

2010 FestArte VideoArt Festival – sezione off, Macro Testaccio, La Pelanda, Museo di Arte Contemporanea, Rome (I)

2010 Anakata 24+, Municipal Cultural Center IRIS, Salonicco (GR) curator Constantina Pozoukidou

2010 Perfect number, project room, Sponge Living Space, Pergola (PU), curator Susanna Ferretti


“Most of our life is subject to a paroxysmal reproduction of consumer object, art must be included in this context, for extract from that little difference among the other simultaneously acts between levels of repetition. “

                                                                                                    Gilles Deleuze


The video work ‘DIFFERENT BY’ is a reflection about the outsourcing and economic-geographical location with all the consequences; a simulation that just play with the grammar of the game, engages an almost painful to hear of this shift- migration and relocation. A large map, 3 x 2 meters, without names of countries and places only the lines that demarcate boundaries invented by man to sort the places and cultures.In a path that is BY (someone) TOWARDS, (a place) TO (reach, subdue, exploit, modify), a place sometimes differs from what the clichés make us think. Similarly the ancient game AM SALAM or game of bell, skipping a single participant trampling several areas of the Mediterranean basin by running every time on a euro zone that will win. Similar to the stock exchange, money flows migrate in a way unknown to most of the population that understands property without apparently to influence these movements. In a mood that repeats itself depleted resources and culture of a place where the back end is only the dust.